in Movement and Support in Humans (Locomotion and Movements) by

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Pectoral girdle

Pelvic girdle

1. It is situated in the shoulder region.

It is situated in the hip region.

2. It is made up of two bones, i.e. Clavicle and Scapula.

It is made up of three bones, i.e. Ilium, Ischium and Pubis.

3. The two halves are far apart.

The two halves are fused.

4. The glenoid cavity of the scapula forms ball and socket joint with the humerus.

A cup-shaped cavity called acetabulum forms ball and socket joint with the femur.

5. The glenoid cavity present in the pectoral girdle is comparatively shallow.

Acetabulum cavity present in the pelvic girdle is comparatively deep.

6. It gives articulation to forelimb  bones.

It gives articulation to hindlimb bones.

7. The back muscles are attached to the pectoral girdle.

The hip muscles are attached to the pelvic girdle.

8. It is relatively less strong.

It is relatively more strong.


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