in Skeletal System by
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The axial skeleton is made up of 80 bones. These include:

1. The Skill (29 bones):

a. Cranial Bones (8)

  1. Frontal bone­­ (1)
  2. Parietal bone (2)
  3. Occipital bone (1)
  4. Temporal bones (2)
  5. Sphenoid bone (1)
  6. Ethmoid bone (1) 

b. Ear ossicle bones (6)

  1. Malleus bones (2)
  2. Incus bones (2)
  3. Stapes bones (2)

c. Facial Bones (14)

  1. Nasal bones (2)
  2. Zygomatic bones (2)
  3. Palatine bones (2)
  4. Maxillae bones (2)
  5. Inferior nasal conchae (2)
  6. Lacrymal bones (2)
  7. Vomer bone (1)
  8. Mandible bone (1) 

d. Hyoid bone (1)

2. Vertebral Column (26 bones):

  1. Cervical vertebrae (7)
  2. Thoracic vertebrae (12)
  3. Lumbar vertebrae (5)
  4. Sacrum (1)
  5. Coccyx (1) 

3. Thoracic cage (25)

  1. True ribs (14)
  2. False ribs (10)
  3. Sternum (1)
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