Placentation is the arrangement of ovules on the placenta inside the ovary. Based on the number of locules in the ovary and the position of the ovules there are different types of placentation. There are eight different types of placentation observed in the angiosperm flowers.
They are; i. Marginal, ii. Parietal, iii. Axile, iv. Free central, v. Basal, vi. Superficial, vii. Pendulous, viii. Lamellar.
Marginal: Presence of monocarpellary unilocular gynoecium. Single row of ovules along the ventral sutures of the carpel. This type of placentation is common in the members of Leguminosae.
Parietal: Presence of multicarpellary syncarpous and unilocular gynoecium. The ovules are borne on the inner surface of the ovary wall. Parietal placentation is present in Cruciferae, Capparidaceae.
Axile: Presence of multicarpellary, syncarpous and multilocular gynoecium. The placenta is present on the fused margins of the same carpel. The ovules are attached along the central axis. Axile placentation is observed in the Malvaceae, Rubiaceae, Solanaceae etc.
Free central: Presence of multicarpellary, syncarpous and unilocular gynoecium. The ovules are borne on a central column arising from the base. Example as in Portulacaceae, Primulaceae.
Basal: Presence of monocarpellary and unilocular gynoecium. The placentum arise from the basal region from which the ovules also arise. Example as in Asteraceae.
Superficial: Presence of multicapellary, syncarpous and multilocular gynoecium. The ovules are borne all over the inner surface of the ovary. Superficial placentation is also known as the laminar placentation. This type of placentation is observed in Nymphaeceae and Butomaceae.
Pendulous: The placenta present at the top of the ovary and ovule hanging down. The pendulous placentation is found in Combretaceae.
Lamellar: The placenta enlarges considerably and extands towards the centre.This type of placentation is observed in Papaver of family Papaveraceae.