- Spermatogenesis is the process of spermatozoa production (male gamete) in males whereas oogenesis is the process of ovum production (female gamete) in females.
- Spermatogenesis occurs in testis whereas oogenesis occurs in ovary.
- During spermatogenesis, two meiotic divisions take place and produce primary spermatocyte (46 chromosomes) and secondary spermatocyte (23 chromosomes).
- During oogenesis, primary oocyte undergoes two meiotic divisions and produce secondary oocyte (23 chromosome), mature ovum and polar bodies.
- There are no polar bodies seen during the process of production of male gamete.
- 4 sperms are produced from each primary spermatocyte whereas only 1 ovum is produced from one primary oocyte.
- In the spermatogenesis process, meiotic division gives rise to same size of daughter cells whereas in oogenesis, meiotic division gives rise to a large and a small daughter cells: large one is known as secondary oocyte or mature ovum where as small one is known as polar bodies. This shows that the maturation divisions in spermatogenesis are equal whereas in oogenesis it is not equal.
- The growth phase of spermatogenesis is shorter compare to oogenesis.
- The large daughter cell contains 22+X chromosomes where as small daughter cell contains no chromosome.
- The process of spermatogenesis continues in the men from puberty to till the end of life whereas the process of oogenesis ends at the menopause time in women (approximately the age of 45 to 55).
- Image: https://biologywarakwarak.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/gametogenesis.jpg