Spermatogenesis is the process by which sperms are produce in the seminiferous tubules.
Spermatogenesis stimulated by the release of the hormone FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) that is secreted by the anterior pituitary.
The anterior pituitary is stimulated by the hormone gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), which reaches to the pituitary via the hypophyseal portal vessels that causes release of FSH and LH (Luteinizing hormone).
Now the released FSH acts on the seminiferous tubules for the production of sperms called spermatogenesis.
FSH and testosterone hormone both promotes the production of spermatozoa.
If testosterone is present then the amount of FSH requires less for the promotion of spermatogenesis, i.e., high concentration of testosterone is essential for the production of sperms.
LH stimulates the production of testosterone by acting upon the Leydig cells.
LH also shows the negative feedback effect for the production of testosterone, i.e., as the amount of LH increases that effects the concentration of testosterone into the blood which inhibits the secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). By reducing the level of GnRH secretion, the concentration of the testosterone is maintained.