- The chemiosmotic hypothesis was proposed by Dr. Peter Mitchell in the year 1961.
- Chemiosmosis is the movement of ions down the electrochemical gradient across a selectively permeable membrane.
- It plays an important role in the generation of ATP during photosynthesis (inside chloroplasts) and respiration (inside mitochondria).
- In both these processes, ATP is generated by movement of H+ ions (protons) across a membrane.
- When H+ ions (protons) diffuse from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration, an electrochemical gradient of protons is established.
- According to the chemiosmotic hypothesis, it is this electrochemical gradient of protons coupled with the influence of ATP synthetase enzyme that is responsible for the generation of ATP.

[Image Reference : http://www.uwyo.edu/botany4400/photosyn13.gif]