In the cell cycle, at the end of interphase M-phase initiates. Prior to the initiation of Mitotic phase (M-phase) cell prepares for cell division by the process called Prophase.

There are two stages of prophase:
Early prophase:
Replicated centrioles begin to move towards the pole of the cell
Replicated chromosomes become condensed and visible
Nucleolus becomes invisible (disappear)
Late prophase:
Formation of spindle fibres between two centrioles
Chromosomes are visible in the form of two sister chromatids
Breakdown of nuclear envelope
During meiosis, the events of prophase is divided into 5 subunits:
Leptonema: chromosomes begin to condense and visible as thin thread like structure
Zygonema: chromosome continue to condense and form synaptonemal complex through the process of synapsis
Pachynema: crossing-over takes place between two homologous chromosomes to exchange genetic materials
Diplonema: formation of chiasma i.e. crossing-over becomes visible at this stage
Diakinesis: chromosomes become more condensed, so that formed tetrads are visible