in Cell Cycle and Cell Division by

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  1. During mitosis and meiosis there are four major stages takes place:
    • Prophase
    • Metaphase
    • Anaphase
    • Telophase
  2. At the end of prophase, chromosomes become visible, duplicated centriole forms spindle outside the nucleus and nuclear membrane disappears.
  3. Sometimes transitions occur between prophase and metaphase, which is generally known as prometaphase.
  4. Prometaphase is a short period in which chromosomes are in disorder.
  5. At the end of this short period, chromosomes arranged to the specific imaginary plane that is called as metaphase plate.
  6. Arrangement of chromosomes at the metaphase plate is conducted by the spindle fibres that are connected to the centromere, which helps chromosomes to aligned perpendicular to the spindle apparatus called centrioles.
  7. In this phase many fibres are connected to the centromeres called as chromosomal fibres whereas many of the fibres are extended from one pole to the other of the cell are called as continuous fibres.
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