Following are the classification of plasma proteins or the blood proteins:
1. Serum Albumin
2. Serum Globulin
3. Fibrinogen
4. Regulatory Proteins
5. Clotting Factors
Based of the classification, following is the normal content and their function in our body:
The normal Serum Albumin content of the blood is 3.5-5.0 g/dl. It makes the 55% of the total blood protein. Its main function is in maintaining the colloid osmotic pressure; creating the serum oncotic pressure and the transport of the insoluble molecules.
The normal Serum Globulin content of the blood is 2.0-2.5 g/dl. It makes the 38% of the total blood protein. Its function is to participate in the immune system of the body.
The normal Fibrinogen content of the blood is g/dl. It makes the 7% of the total blood protein. Its function is the coagulation of the blood.
The Regulatory Proteins makes up less than 1% of the total blood proteins. Their action is in regulation of the gene expression.
The Clotting Factor also makes up less than 1% of the total blood proteins. Their action lies in conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin.