in Transport in plants by

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Difference between Osmotic Pressure and Osmotic Potential:


Osmotic Pressure (OP)

Osmotic Potential


It is expressed in bars with a positive sign.

It is expressed in bars with a negative sign. It is also known as solute potential.


OP of pure solvent (or water) is zero. The value of OP increases with increase in concentration of solute particles.

Osmotic potential of pure solvent (or water) is zero.

Higher negative value of osmotic potential means greater the concentration of solute particles.


If two solutions having different osmotic concentrations are separated by a semipermeable membrane, the molecules move from the solution having less OP to the solution having more OP.

If two solutions having different osmotic concentrations are separated by a semipermeable membrane, the molecules move from the solution having more osmotic potential to the solution having less osmotic potential.


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